Saturday, August 22, 2020

Kamdhenu Dairy Case free essay sample

Case Analysis: â€Å"Kamdhenu Dairy† Decision Analysis I PGP1 Section B Group 4 Group Members AMARENDRA SAHOO PGP2011533 BHAWNA GOKANI PGP2011595 CHATARKAR ANURAG MAHADE PGP2011600 C. LALRUATSANGA 2011FPM06 RUPSA CHAKRAVARTY PGP2011837 SAARANG K. MEHTA PGP2011841 UTKARSH SINGH PGP2011923 Case Analysis †Kamdhenu Dairy (A) Decision Variables Let x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12 be the 12 mixes of Main and By-Products as given in the table. Table 1: Decision Variables Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Product Mix (Variables) FA Milk + Butter (x1) FA Milk + Ghee (x2) SMP + Butter (x3) SMP + Ghee (x4) WMP + Butter (x5) WMP + Ghee (x6) Baby Food + Butter (x7) Baby Food + Ghee (x8) Cheese + Butter (x9) Cheese + Ghee (x10) Std Milk + Butter (x11) Std Milk + ghee (x12) For this situation our Objective is to boost the Contribution (Z) as given in the table Z = Total Revenue †Total Direct Cost Total Direct Cost = Milk Cost + Processing and Packaging Cost All out Revenue = Revenue from Main Product + Revenue from By-item Revenue from Main Product = Revenue per unit Main Product (from Exhibit 3) * Quantity of Main Product Revenue from By-Product = Revenue per unit By-Product * Quantity of By-Product Since Ghee are delivered from Butter beats we should change over the Ghee into Corresponding Butter Units so requirement for Butter is thought about. We will compose a custom article test on Kamdhenu Dairy Case or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Question 2. a Case 1: Summer without contract Table 2: Constraints are as given in the accompanying table Constraints Limiting qualities F. A Milk Butter Constraint Total SMP Total WMP SMP (x3)*813 + SMP from (x4)*813 +WMP (x5)*1179 + WMP(x6)*1179

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